This is Ellie's first Valentine's Day card:

The Chain Bridge and Hapsburg Castle in Budapest, in May. My first trip. (This was actually shot with one of those point and shoot cameras that fit into a pocket.)

Independence Square in Kiev, just about ten days after Budapest. Funny how the crappiness of jetlag is canceled out by just being somewhere new -- the photos from the first few days turned out well despite how I remember feeling.

Anton, at the local swimming hole. What a wonderful Norman Rockwell like picnic we had that day in a village with a public well and the cows were walked home in the evening. The whole town was out swimming.

At my mother-in-law's first college. We stumbled upon an end-of-the year concert. This was the Ukrainian music group.

At Sofia's old school in Odessa. This girl was enjoying a moment on the last day of classes.

There were a ton of characters at the Privoz Market in Odessa. I like how the cake lady looks like her work.

Downtown Manhattan, after a walk on the Brooklyn Bridge:

Hungarian Science Academy, October: